Monday, 2 July 2012

Cape Town Green Belt Walks – Popular Trails

The Alphen Trail in Constantia, Cape Town

My parents lived for close on twenty years next to the Alphen green belt and I walked this magnificent green belt trail and the surrounding suburb with well treed roads for almost twenty years on annual visits to the Cape.

The Alphen Trail is possibly one of the most popular of the green belt walks of the Constantia Valley. The walk can start at either end, but most people park their cars on the bend of Alphen Drive that leads off Constantia Main Road to which used to be the Alphen Hotel (a national monument in its own right with beautiful gardens and tea to die for).  It is now home to various businesses since the Alphen Hotel closed.

The trail winds along the Diep River to the Constantiaberg Mountain and in places allows one to walk on either side of the river, with a number of bridge crossings. It’s a beautiful walk filled with lush grass, trees, beautiful skies and the Le Sueur Meadow on the far end of the walk towards Hohenort. People take their dogs and families on Sunday afternoon rambles here. The walk never fails to restore the soul, demanding little from one and yet giving so much in return by way of views and fresh air.  It is not a strenuous, uphill walk, so people of all fitness levels can enjoy a walk in the green belt without undue strain or discomfort.  For those whose fitness levels demand a more challenging route a jog through the trail and surrounding suburbia will satisfy this yearning!

After your walk treat yourself to coffee and cake at the Constantia Shopping Centre where any one of the numerous restaurant and coffee shops will be able to satisfy and restore your energy levels with something sweet or savory or just settle for a Seattle cappuccino!

For more hikes and walks in the area refer: