Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Let no individual, section, faction or group ever regard itself as greater than the organisation and the common good of all our people.

A political movement must keep in touch with reality and the prevailing conditions Presidential address to the ANC Transvaal Congress, also known as the no easy walk to freedom speech, Transvaal, South Africa 21 September 1953

Individuals will come and go but the organisation will go on, I believe, forever BBC (UK) interview

The Collective
We dont want to raise the role of any particular individual above the collective itself Conversation with Ahmed Kathrada, Circa 1993/1994
We are a product of a collective leadership and almost everything we have achieved we have achieved together -  Revisiting Robben Island 11 February 1994
We have also seen the emergence of elitism among some of our members.  Notions have surfaced of entitlement to decision-making positions, which have led to a break in the sustained interaction between some of our leaders, on one hand, and our organisation and people, on the other 50th National Conference of the ANC, North West University, Mafikeng Campus, South Africa, 16 December 1997 

Compromise must be made in respect to every issue as long as that compromise is in the interest, not only of one population group but for the country as a whole.  That is the nature of compromises

Human beings will always be able to find arguments for confrontation and no compromise.  We humans, are, however, the beings capable of reason, compassion and change Message to the Global Convention on Peace and Non-Violence, New Delhi, India 31 January 2004

Memory is a vital force in the life of people and nations and can help unite divided societies.  My foundation will continue to bring people together, providing a safe space, especially for those who disagree, to listen and talk to each other A recorded message for a gala dinner in Monaco United for a Better World, 1 December 2004  

People should be free to form or belong to parties of their choice.  There should be regular elections so that the people decide who should take the driving seat Conference convened by the Consultative Business Movement on the Theme Options for Building an Economic Future, 23 May 1990  

Our Future

Our future as human beings depend on our intelligent and prudent use of the oceans.  And that in turn will depend on the determined efforts of dedicated women and men from all parts of our planet  Nelson Mandela, Fifth Session of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans, Cape Town, South Africa, 11 November 1997