Saturday, 25 February 2017


The Methodist Education Initiative was formed by Dave Bentley in 1996 to formalise the work that had already been happening in supporting previously disadvantaged schools since 1990. 

The response to the challenge was initiated by a visit to schools in Daveyton and Etwatwa in 1991 to see the situation first hand – Dave and Gill Bentley were hosted by Principal Elphas Dube of Daveyton Intermediate School, who has been a key enabler throughout the process. 

In early 2003, a letter was received from the Together with Africa and Asia Association (TAAA), a Japanese volunteer group. The letter was addressed to the Training and Development Foundation who passed it on to us.
It turned out that there were 40 Japanese mailbags at the tiny local post office full of books – probably over a ton of books. This relationship continued with regular arrivals of bags of books, the sorting of those books in the church hall and the distribution of those books to the local disadvantaged schools.  

At one of the book sorting sessions a discussion developed around the best way of using these books. This prompted the idea of a mobile library:
         The schools had no library culture or training and so had no means of issuing and recovering books they had been given. We could provide this.
         The schools would then have access to all the books from a common stock that would effectively circulate.
We shared this idea with TAAA who announced that they had mobile libraries in Japan and they would see if they could get us one. 

In late 1996 they announced that they had found a second-hand mobile library in good shape and had received funding to ship it to South Africa and it was on its way by boat. 
In July 1997 the mobile library started operating and has been operating continuously since. It started with 4 schools and over the years grew to over 42 schools. We have limited our service to the 28 schools who make active use of the library.
We had built a storeroom and garage at Daveyton Intermediate School, which is still our base, with support from the Department of Education through the local director Dr Braam Fleisch and financial support from the Japanese Post Office, via TAAA. 

Mrs Margaret Grayer, a part of St Andrews School Outreach, contacted us to see if they could assist us as their programme in Daveyton at the time had to be scaled down but they were aligned with our vision. She happened to be an ex-librarian and so became the mobile library librarian until her untimely death from cancer. This started the long relationship with St Andrews Outreach, now called Ubambiswano, which exists to this day. They paid the salary of the first librarian through Margaret and have done so ever since.  The mobile library has operated with the same vehicle continuously since 1997.
In 2006 a discussion between the then librarian, Megan Baston, Sue Skidmore (a friend) and Mr Elphas Dube led to the concept of a group of native English speakers interacting with foundation phase pupils to assist in the development of their English. In the previously black schools, pupils are taught in their mother tongue until grade 3. From grade 4 this changes to English being the language of education from Grade 4 to 12. This change of medium of instruction could be made easier if the pupils had access to English prior to grade 3.  

In February 1998 the Reading Gogo programme started with simply reading English books to the pupils for one hour a week.  “Although our Gogo name doesn’t always apply we are not changing it because to the children anyone over the age of 30 can safely be addressed as ‘Gogo’!”  

You too can make a difference to pass on your love of reading, of words and related activities to children who may not come from a reading culture.  The children often do not speak English at home and many are orphans or are from child headed households.  No qualifications are required.  

If you would like to volunteer for an hour or so each week during term times to assist with reading and other activities at four schools in Daveyton, East Rand contact Vivienne Ridyard Tel: 011 849-5508 / 073 147 5505  
“I will always remember the Gogos because it’s like they raised and nurtured me to become the smart kid I am now” – Sibusisiwe Jiyane, Grade 8, Daveyton Intermediate School
“I will always remember them (the Gogos) because it was an extraordinary and fantastic experience.  They are the ones who taught us English very well.  First of all, I would like to say “I miss the Gogos and will always love them!” – Keitumetse Baloyi, Grade 8, Daveyton Intermediate School
“They gave us a fun learning and interactive experience, and they helped me improve my literacy skills in the process.” – Lesedi Molopyane, Grade 10, Letsha Primary School
“Yes, with the foundation you gave me, I have surpassed all the grades with a good academic record.  I will remember them because the books we read where not only fun but they always had a lesson that helps me to cope with life.  Thank you for teaching me the importance of reading especially in a world where books are being replaced with videos on YouTube.” – Lesego Poo, Grade 7, Letsha Primary School